The Kern County Library shares some changes for the coming year

  • Kern County Library is flipping open a new page for the new year.
  • From the Zip Book program to opening locations, the library hopes to draw in readers.
  • The Southwest branch library opens on Monday while the Holloway-Gonzales branch library opens on Tuesday.


The Kern County Library is unwrapping its free Zip Book program .

“It’s like Christmas all over again,” said Fahra Daredia with the Kern County Library. “Zip Books is a program that is funded by the California State Library and it’s a great way to build a user based collection. So any books that are not in the library system here in Kern County, we’re able to order them.”

Daredia says the program not only expands the library’s collection, but makes books more relevant to the community accessible.

“We’ve all of a sudden have such a vivacious group of readers,” said Daredia. “We’re glad to have this program again that way, you know, we can continue building our literacy rates here in Kern County.”

Here’s how it works–

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