12 Surprising (and Completely True) California Laws You’ve Never Heard Of

California: a state known for sunshine, celebrities, and scenic beaches—but did you know it’s also home to some hilariously peculiar laws? Beneath all the glamour and avocado toast, you’ll discover rules so strange they’ll make your surfer-dude cousin say, “Whoa, seriously, bro?” Buckle up, folks—California’s legal quirks are about to get delightfully weird.

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Peacocks Have the Right of Way in Arcadia

In Arcadia, peacocks legally have the right of way on streets and driveways. Don’t even try arguing—the peacock always wins.

It’s Illegal to Whistle for a Lost Canary Before 7 AM in Berkeley

Looking for Tweety at the crack of dawn? In Berkeley, keep your whistles silent until after breakfast or risk breaking the law.

Women Can’t Drive in Housecoats

California takes loungewear seriously—ladies, resist the temptation to cruise around in your robe. Pajama chic apparently has its limits.

No Riding Bikes in Swimming Pools in Baldwin Park

Apparently, someone once tested the theory that bikes float in pools. Spoiler alert: they don’t, and now it’s illegal.

Bowling on Sidewalks in Chico Is Forbidden

In Chico, the sidewalks aren’t your personal bowling alleys. Stick to the lanes—pedestrians have rights, too.

You Can’t Hunt from a Moving Vehicle—Except Whales

Technically, shooting animals from your car is illegal statewide unless you’re whale-hunting, which, by the way, is still oddly legal. Good luck finding whales cruising down the 405 freeway, though.

Bathhouses Are Illegal in Carmel

Planning a luxurious bathhouse retreat in Carmel-by-the-Sea? Nope, bathhouses have been outlawed. Better book a spa day elsewhere.

Animals Are Banned from Publicly Mating Near Schools, Taverns, or Churches

Animals, keep it PG in public spaces—California doesn’t tolerate your romantic escapades near holy grounds or happy hours.

Driving More Than 2,000 Sheep Down Hollywood Boulevard Is Illegal

If you planned an epic sheep parade through Hollywood, think again: you’re legally limited to fewer than 2,000 sheep. After that, it’s chaos.

Bathhouses Are Illegal in Carmel

Another bathhouse ban, this time in scenic Carmel-by-the-Sea. Clearly, Californians are skeptical about communal soaking.

You Can’t Ride a Bicycle in a Swimming Pool in Baldwin Park

Poolside cycling enthusiasts, beware: Baldwin Park demands bikes remain on dry land. Some people really know how to spoil the fun.

Crying on the Witness Stand in Los Angeles Courts Is Banned

Keep those courtroom tears in check—crying on the witness stand is technically illegal in LA. California justice doesn’t like drama, apparently.

In Fresno, You Can’t Disturb Lizards in City Parks

Step away from that gecko—disturbing or harassing lizards in Fresno’s city parks is officially prohibited. Respect the reptiles!

Peacocks Have Right of Way in Arcadia (Yep, They’re That Special)

Arcadia clearly loves their peacocks—so much so, these feathery divas have legally protected street privileges. Cars yield to strutting peafowl; humans, you’ve been warned…

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