‘Go Away Please!’ Taylor Swift Tries Getting Camera to Buzz Off In Live Shot During Chiefs Win At Ravens

Megastar and Time “Person of the Year” Taylor Swift tried getting the TV cameras to cut away from her during Sunday’s AFC championship game between the Kansas City Chief and the Baltimore Ravens, emphatically mouthing her plea during a live shot.

Swift is dating Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce , a fact which has driven some NFL fans mad after a significant amount of conversation and screen time has been devoted to the pop singer throughout the season.

That minor backlash has had an impact on the couple , and on Sunday that seemed to show up when, as CBS was doing a promo for the Grammy Awards, the live shot centered on Swift and her entourage and friends in their box.

When the shot landed on Swift, she turned her attention to the screen, clearly watching to see how long she was going to be on camera.

As it lingered and she became impatient, Swift finally mouthed very clearly “GO AWAY, PLEASE” while still looking at the screen. The moment was quickly caught and shared on X.

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