Student stabbed at Kenwood High School, fellow student in custody

A fight inside a classroom at Kenwood High School when it appears one student assaulting another with his fists was injured when the other student produced a sharp object.

Police say a student was arrested following the assault.

School resource officers responded immediately.

“We actually have two to three SROs that are actually assigned to this location,” said Baltimore County Police Det. Trae Corbin.

“Were they participants somehow in this incident?” we asked, “Did they take the juvenile into custody?”

“Yes, our SROs were on the scene during the incident and they actually requested more officers just for crowd control,” he replied.

Wesley McNeal has five grandchildren at Kenwood High, and he applauds the SROs for jumping in.

“That was good. That’s real good there,” said McNeal, “That’s what we need. That’s why they’re there. Seriously. Everything’s getting out of hand today.”

Students we spoke with agree.

They say constant fighting at the school serves as an ongoing distraction from learning, and they say school resource officers, alone, aren’t the answer.

Story continues