Verdict Reached: Marilyn Mosby found guilty of one of her two mortgage fraud charges

Jury finds Marilyn Mosby guilty of one count of mortgage fraud 05:40

BALTIMORE — Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has been found guilty of one of her two mortgage fraud charges.

The jury decided on the split verdict after deliberating for about eight hours.

Mosby was on trial for mortgage fraud in relation to her two Florida vacation homes.

A sentencing date has not yet been set for Mosby. She is also facing sentencing after she was found guilty of two counts of perjury last November.

A federal jury convicted Mosby, 44, on the federal charge of making a false mortgage application when she was Baltimore City State’s Attorney, relating to the purchase of a condominium in Long Boat Key, Florida.

The jury acquitted her of making a false mortgage application related to her purchase of a home in Kissimmee, Florida.

Split verdict in Marilyn Mosby’s federal mortgage fraud trial 04:54

She left the courtroom on Tuesday without commenting.

The crowd of supporters chanted, “We love Marilyn,” as Mosby got into a vehicle.

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