U.S Veterans honored in Owings Mills for Independence Day

22 U.S veterans who spent years serving and sacrificing for this country were honored with a pinning ceremony and the unveiling of a new honor wall at Atrium living facility in Owings Mills.

“Especially when you get to be 90-years-old, somebody says ‘we’re gonna honor you today,’ that’s a proud thing because time is running out and you realize time is running out and you start thinking about how dull life is getting as you get older,” said Leroy Thornton, Purple Hearts recipient who served in the Korean War.

He spoke about his path to becoming a respected veteran after being drafted at just 17.

“When I got drafted, it was time to go. I just went out and I didn’t squawk about anything or try to change my age back to what it was. It turned out to be a good thing,” said Thornton.

“When I came out of the service, I joined the Maryland National Guard. I became First Sergeant in the Maryland National Guard. I stayed in there for years, and after joining the Maryland National Guard, I joined the Korean War Veterans Association, and I became the commander,” said Thornton.

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