Sylvester the Arizona Gunslinger Mummy and his connection to Colorado

There once lived a desperado named Sylvester. It is thought when he died, he was about 45 years old. In 1895, at his death he was processed as an embalmer’s exhibit. After being a sideshow for over a hundred years, he now lives in the Ye Old Curiosity shop in Seattle, Washington as a human mummy on display.

He is so well preserved he looks wooden, and you can still see the pupils of his eyes, he still has his mustache, and his facial features at still intact. But how is he connected to Colorado?

How did he become a mummy?

Sylvester was said to have been found died in the Gila Bend Desert, Arizona in 1895. The legend goes he had been shot in a saloon gunfight over a poker game. After being shot, he stumbled out into the desert wounded and died. The legend goes that he was mummified by the desert sun and was found and taken to Yuma, Arizona.

If he was mummified by the desert, he should look desiccated and shriveled. Sylvester is quite the opposite. All his organs are intact and are beautifully preserved according to experts. If he became a mummy in the desert his organs would have been crumbly and most likely dust.

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