Good Samaritans pull man from burning car

When Muhammad Malkawi saw a car on fire off of 54th avenue and Interstate 5, his first thought is, of course, the driver got out, right?

He was driving a friend home that Friday night, August 16th. They took a different route than normal, a route Malkawi now feels is fate.

As he got closer, phone in hand recording what was in front of him, he saw a person struggling to get out.

“I realize there is a person inside who is like screaming and crying trying to get himself out.” Malkawi said.

He, his friend and a group of other people passing by jumped into action. The car was burning from the rear with flames moving towards the front end. The door wouldn’t open, one man tried punching the driver side window open, that didn’t work.

Muhammad’s friend grabbed a pole from the debris on the on ramp and the group tried prying the windshield open as the flames grew. Finally, Muhammad yanked the door as hard as he could. As he did, the added heat from inside created a fire ball that sprawled out upon the rescuers. They grabbed the man out of the car and carried him several yards away.

Story continues