Sample some of the world’s finest teas at the Seattle festival

One of the country’s largest tea festivals is in Seattle this weekend, and whether you’re a total newcomer or a seasoned tea connoisseur, there’s plenty to explore.

Why it matters: Tea culture can feel intimidating, especially if your experience is limited to the standard Lipton tea bag, festival organizer Andrew Goodman tells Axios.

  • But the Northwest Tea Festival not only offers a chance to sample some of the “finest teas from around the world,” it’s an inviting, approachable space for anyone, from the mildly curious to the deeply passionate, he says.

How it works: Now celebrating its 14th year, the festival brings together industry professionals, artists, writers and educators, all with a shared passion for what Goodman calls “the most fascinating of beverages.”

What to expect: More than 50 vendors and experts will converge at Seattle Center’s Exhibition Hall this Saturday and Sunday.

  • There will be small-group tastings, a tasting lounge and non-vendor presentations on everything from the basics of brewing to the 5,000-year history of the second-most popular drink in the world.
  • Almost any of the festival’s tea merchants will be able to set people up with beginner sampler sets, Goodman says.
  • More experienced “tea nerds” can try 2024’s newest blends or dive into deeper comparisons, from neighboring regional teas to differences in harvest years, he says.

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