Monitoring Increased as Seismic Activity Rises

The seismic history of the Washington area, particularly around the Cascadia Subduction Zone, provides crucial context for understanding the region’s earthquake risk. In the last few weeks, seismic activity has been increasing.

Scientists are working to refine the earthquake timeline and expand seismic monitoring networks, aiming to improve predictions of future quakes and enhance long-term research. Introducing underwater seismometers and advanced tools could provide valuable insights, ultimately improving safety and infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest, a region particularly susceptible to seismic activity.

Here’s what some of the increased seismic activity can mean for residents.

Cascadia Subduction Zone

This zone runs from Northern California to British Columbia and is where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. It has produced significant megathrust earthquakes in the past and

Notable Earthquakes

1700 Cascadia Earthquake: This massive quake, estimated to be magnitude 9.0, occurred on January 26, 1700. It generated a tsunami that affected the coast of Japan, and its effects were felt along the Pacific Northwest.

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