The Stranger’s Cookie Countdown: Day 29

I take back everything I said yesterday. Cookies are the best. For it is cookies-at least, it is today’s cookie-that can remind us to calm the fuck down. After a recent especially busy day full of errands, traffic, and stress, I arrived at Seatango in Lake City to investigate their alfajor options. I had seen photos of the shop on social media-their counter covered with various different flavors of cookie sandwiches, all dipped or decorated in various ingredients, from shredded coconut to Italian meringue to chocolate. After purchasing a selection, I made my way home, back through the traffic, stress, and rain. I forgot about the cookies for an hour or two-I had work to catch up on, and other “important” tasks on my self-imposed to-do list that I always make too long when blinded by optimism and possibility in the early half of the week.

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