‘Snowpocalypse’: Remembering the winter storm 10 years later

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ( WIAT ) — 10 years ago on this day in 2014, a historic winter storm shut down Birmingham and most of central Alabama.

A complicated forecast was underway for central Alabama. An arctic cold front would move across Alabama with very cold temperatures and very dry air. Following the front, an upper-level wave would move across the Gulf Coast and send moisture northward. The question was how far north would the moisture return since there was very dry air moving in from the north? Originally, the moisture was only forecast to make it to Montgomery, and a wintry mix was expected for south Alabama.

NWS Surface Map and Radar

Instead, the moisture made it north across central Alabama where temperatures were well below freezing in the 20s. Snow was falling and temperatures continued to drop. Once the snow hit the ground it melted. Just a few days prior, air temperatures were in the 60s so the ground was warm. Now that the temperatures were in the 20s, the melting snow froze and iced over the Birmingham area. The snow continued to fall and accumulate on top of the ice. This turned roads into ice rinks. Interstates and major highways shut down.

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