UAB Offers Local High School Students a Unique Look into Forensic Science at CSI Camp

The University of Alabama at Birmingham is offering a CSI Camp for high school students. The camp’s goal is to give a realistic perspective on forensic science, which is often inaccurately portrayed on TV. It also aims to encourage interest in science and provide information on career opportunities in forensic science.

The CSI Camp is tailored for students in grades 10-12. It offers practical training from professors in the UAB College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Criminal Justice. Students will participate in activities like evidence collection, fingerprint dusting, blood stain search, DNA analysis, and insect examination.

The camp includes the story of Brynnen Hendrix, a forensic science master’s student. This hands-on learning experience is designed to enhance students’ skills in data collection, preservation, presentation, and analysis. It also introduces them to the tools and techniques used in forensic labs.

The CSI Camp is both educational and enjoyable. It covers important topics like DNA, fingerprints, and criminalistics. The camp strives to strike a balance between learning and fun, making forensic science interesting and approachable for high school students.

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