City of Birmingham receives $50K for technical assistance to educate public about new code enforcement practices

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ( WIAT ) — The city of Birmingham was awarded $50,000 by the Center for Community Progress in technical assistance to help revamp its code enforcement practices.

According to a city press release, Birmingham’s department of planning, engineering and permits will use the resource to educate the public about the recently passed foreclosure bill SB9 that Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed.

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The department is partnering with Birmingham City Council to build out a local ordinance that will put in place the legal mechanism to pursue foreclosure for not owner-occupied properties with code enforcement liens. Their “Technical Assistance Scholarships” enable the pilot and design of new programs and practices that become models for the community revitalization field to implement to address vacant, abandoned and deteriorated properties.

“The SB9 legislation is another strategic tool in combating code enforcement issues within the City of Birmingham,” said Katrina Thomas, director of the city’s department of planning, engineering and permits, in a statement. “This legislation will provide a path forward for the City to pursue non-owner occupied property where we have seen repeat nuisance violations, unpaid code enforcement liens, and negligent response regarding abatement of such violations. We look forward to working hand in hand with Community Progress as we implement a local ordinance and educate our citizens on the tool.”

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