My life changed forever when I was stopped for a speeding ticket – I never imagined those 5 mins would alter my course

A YOUNG driver was pulled over for speeding and the traffic stop changed the course of her life entirely.

Her conversation with the police officer only lasted about 15 minutes, but the impact will last a lifetime.
Trooper Brown is seen with Abbie Rutledge, a young driver from Birmingham, Alabama, who was pulled over by him two years ago
The chance encounter changed Rutledge’s life after she was handed this traffic citation with a note on it

Abbie Rutledge, a young driver from Birmingham, Alabama , was pulled over by State Trooper J.T. Brown for speeding two years ago.

Rutledge was 20 at the time and fearful of the financial impact a ticket would have on her.

In Birmingham, a ticket for speeding under 25 mph over the speed limit is a whopping $190.

And it jumps to $210 if the recorded speed is 25 mph over the limit.

Rutledge pleaded with Brown, saying she worked a fruitless job and couldn’t afford the fine.

Brown decided to use the traffic stop as a teachable moment for Rutledge.

Story continues