Alabama Lawmaker Renews Push to Ban ‘Glock Switch’ Devices After Birmingham Tragedy

Following a recent mass shooting in Birmingham that left four dead and 17 injured, Alabama lawmakers are taking renewed action to ban “Glock switch” devices, which can convert semi-automatic handguns into fully automatic weapons. Representative Phillip Ensler (D-Montgomery) has pre-filed a bill for the upcoming legislative session, hoping to address the rising threat posed by these devices.

Law enforcement officials have reported an increase in the use of Glock switches across the state, describing them as devices that enable handguns to fire multiple rounds in a few seconds. “These devices make guns just that much more dangerous,” Ensler said. “They make it that someone can pull the trigger and it will spray bullets in every which direction and can inflict a lot of harm and cause a lot of loss of life.”

While Glock switches are already banned under federal law, the federal indictment process can be lengthy. Supporters of the state-level ban argue that a state law would enable local authorities to act more swiftly against those in possession of these devices. The proposed House Bill 26 would make it a Class C felony to possess pistols or parts designed to convert them into machine guns.

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