Is it a Palm Beach state of mind? Look for Billy Joel to be spending more time in Florida

Good news for Billy Joel fans.

His burst of real estate activity, what with buying and selling homes in Palm Beach , Manalapan and New York, is a means to an end.

We’re going to be seeing more of him.

When asked about the listing ― for $49 million ―of his home on Long Island, where he was born and raised, he said: “I’m just gonna spend a little more time in Florida, like old Jewish guys from Long Island do.”

The not-so-old Jewish guy from Long Island isn’t completely abandoning his New York state of mind. He has a second home in the area that he’s planning to keep.

Brain gain : More than 450 people pulled on their smartypants and headed over to the Cox Science Center for its annual fundraiser.

Known as the Smarty Party ― because, you know, it’s science ― this year’s event focused on the ocean.

Lorna James, Talbott Maxey, and Tara Vecellio were chairwomen of “Oceans Alive!,” which featured deep-sea explorer Edith Widder , who talked about what lies beneath the deepest ocean and included an utterly terrifying image of a giant squid.

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