Editorial: Donate to school supply drive and help kids get tools they need to succeed

Summer is winding down and soon children will be back in their classrooms, which means the annual school supply drive organized by the Town of Palm Beach United Way is in full swing.

The drive, which launched July 28, runs through Aug. 11.

Palm Beach residents have consistently thrown their support behind the United Way and its programs to help those in need in the county. We know they’ll show up again this time.

Last year, the drive collected $14,155 and thousands of school supplies to benefit children who needed them. A total of 14,781 items were donated.

The effect of inflation means some parents who normally would have been able to take care of their children’s needs might find doing so a little more challenging this year. Also, we know teachers often use their own money to buy supplies for their students.

Whatever Palm Beachers can do to help ensure that children are prepared to learn will be welcome. We cannot overstate the importance of everyone working to help the next generation succeed. We don’t know where the person who finds a cure for cancer or accomplishes some other groundbreaking achievement might come from, so it is incumbent on society to help every child.

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