Editorial: Time has come to end Palm Beach’s ‘town-serving’ policy

Has Palm Beach’s official “town-serving” policy for businesses become an anachronism?

The idea that businesses of a certain size should prove that the majority of their customers come from Palm Beach — rather than from out of town — is looking more like a relic, and an unnecessary one at that.

It’s a reminder of a time when Town Hall put up its guard against businesses — including large chain stores — that would not only pull traffic from across the bridge but also compete with the mom-and-pop establishments that for decades helped define Palm Beach’s charming, small-town character.

We understand the desire to ensure that businesses on the island serve the needs of residents. But in these days of online shopping, what business is going to open on the island — where commercial and retail rents are relatively high — without being focused on attracting Palm Beachers and their typically deep wallets?

Last week, the policy was the subject of debate at the Town Council, after members questioned the draft Comprehensive Plan’s requirement that town-serving businesses document that at least 50% of their customer base comprises residents.

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