The Hidden Danger That Will Make You Think Twice Before Swimming At Palm Beach, Florida

We don’t like to talk about it, but the ocean isn’t always a safe place. Risks surround you the moment you dip your toes into its cobalt waters, yet we frolic and play as if impervious to Mother Nature. It’s time to face the reality that there are some places we shouldn’t swim, including many dangerous beaches on the Florida coastline. In 2023 alone, Florida saw more shark bites than any other state, but it’s actually not Jaws you have to fear off Palm Beach. Located between Port St. Lucie and Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach has a particularly nasty hidden threat that should have you hesitating from jumping right in. The man o’ war is such a problem that Palm Beach’s government website lists them as a common hazard, confirming they are “predominately present during the months of November through April.”

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