Why This Florida McDonald’s Faced a Sudden Closure

A McDonald’s in Lake Worth faced a temporary closure after a state health inspection revealed some concerning issues. Located at 4614 Hypoluxo Road, the fast-food spot had to shut its doors on December 12, 2024, following violations noted by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

What Happened?

During the inspection, three violations were found. One basic violation involved the sanitizing solution for cleaning cloths, which wasn’t strong enough to meet health standards. Two high-priority violations were also reported: surfaces weren’t sanitized after cleaning, and inspectors discovered rodent droppings on the premises.

The issues were serious enough to require the restaurant to close temporarily. However, after a follow-up inspection on December 13, the restaurant made the necessary improvements and was allowed to reopen.

Mixed Reviews From Customers

This McDonald’s location has had its fair share of criticism. On Google Reviews, it holds an average rating of 3.3 out of 5 stars. Some customers have complained about poor hygiene and management.

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