Owner of smaller unit wants condo to shift to billing insurance by the square foot

Live in a home governed by a condominium, co-op or homeowner’s association? Have questions about what they can and cannot do? Ryan Poliakoff , an attorney and author based in Boca Raton, has answers.

Question: I live in a condominium that has 18 units, all under one roof. There are three different floor plans with different unit sizes.

I requested that we change how we collect assessments for our rising insurance costs by pro-rating them by the square footage of each unit, as now the smaller units are paying the same for insurance coverage as the two larger floor plans. This would obviously change the monthly fees for all the units.

I have checked other associations, and several have pro-rated their insurance costs according to unit size.  My management company representative and the board were very rude. I was told that if we did this, we would have to re-write our bylaws and it would be cost prohibitive. I thought that the association could make amendments to their bylaws, without re-writing them all.

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