Motorist who lost license after DUI tells cops he has to drive for work

A motorist who lost his license after a drunk driving arrest told police during a traffic stop that he has to drive for work.

Crisagusto Ramirez Jimenez, 23, of West Palm Beach, was driving a Toyotoa Corolla at about 12:30 p.m. Friday on Cleveland Avenue approaching Powell Road when a police officer ran the license plate and found that the vehicle’s registered owner had a suspended license, according to an arrest report from the Wildwood Police Department.

Ramirez Jimenez, who speaks primarily Spanish, acknowledged he was not supposed to drive. However, he said he has to drive “in order to work.”

A records check showed that Jimenez was arrested this past year for driving under the influence. He did not have a Business Purposes Only license…

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