Sen. John Fetterman to Deliver Keynote Address to Democratic Group in Ruby Red Idaho

The freshman Democratic senator’s March 9 appearance will make him one of the most high-profile party members to visit the deep red state so far in the election cycle

Sen. John Fetterman, D-PA, will be the keynote speaker next month at an Idaho Democratic Party annual gathering in March.

The event, the 30th annual Frank and Bethine Church Gala , is scheduled to take place on March 9 in Boise.

Fetterman’s appearance at the event will make him one of the most high-profile Democrats to visit the deep red state so far in the election cycle.

In a press release, Fetterman said, “I ran on a slogan of ‘every county, every vote’ because I think it’s important for Democrats to go everywhere and talk to everyone.”

He added: “We need to be making our case to voters in every part of the state and every part of the county – that’s how Democrats can still win in rural areas.”

The freshman senator said he doesn’t hope to turn the state blue but that “politics is about addition, not subtraction — and margins matter.”

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