Team River Runner helps veterans navigate the Payette River

The Boise chapter of Team River Runner held a three day clinic on the Payette River system as veterans challenged themselves on a variety of different stretches of river.

On Monday, the team took on Swirly Canyon on the South Fork of the Payette River, Tuesday they enjoyed the Main Payette and Team River Runner finished up the clinic with the North Fork of the Payette Cabarton stretch on Wednesday.

“My step daughter passed away four years ago and I was at the bottom of my pit,” said Air Force veteran Patrick Tracy. “A team river runner guy came in and said do you want to paddle? I said yes save me and I haven’t stopped. I’m a river man now and I spend six months of the year on the river.”

Team River Runner has helped many veterans since this non-profit was created in Washington D.C. back in 2014. Now there are chapters all over the country including the Boise chapter that Bob Tracy started in 2015.

“It’s very rewarding,” said Bob. “That’s why I’ve done it for almost ten years and I tell you there are so many stories how this has saved or turned somebodies life around.”

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