‘Both Hands’ helps widows and orphans while bringing neighbors closer together

Joshua and Emily D’Orazio moved into a home in Nampa five years ago and they first met their neighbor Ray during a snowstorm.

“We didn’t have a shovel and Ray willingly just walked over took a snow blower and shoveled our entire driveway,” said Joshua. “It is just so nice that we have this opportunity to partner with Both Hands and share that love back.”


Both Hands is an national organization offering one hand for widows and another for orphans. Both Hands has done more than 1,300 projects, while raising more than $19 million in the process.

“Both Hands really originated this idea of off James 1:27, which talks about how we as Christians are called to take care of the widows and the orphans together,” said Joshua.


Last February Ray Vogt lost his wife Carol and so the D’Orazios arranged to help Ray by painting his house, installing sprinklers and a garden bed with the help of Both Hands.

“It’s amazing and overwhelming to have all these people here doing this,” said Ray, who is still grieving his loss. “I’m doing alright, it’s hard getting rid of her stuff, but I’m getting there.”

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