Doctor: Idaho’s abortion laws are a confused mess and have to be fixed soon Opinion

Clarify Idaho’s abortion law or lose it

Idaho’s current abortion law only states a doctor can terminate a pregnancy to save the woman’s life (or for rape or incest). No further details are provided and doctors are afraid to act for fear of prosecution. Pregnant women in Idaho are at risk of not getting timely treatment when a complication arises. A doctor must know for sure that he can terminate a pregnancy if a woman may develop a lethal complication or even a risk of serious damage to her bodily function.

This clarification of the abortion law can be accomplished by adding language to the law at the 2025 Idaho legislative session and by providing education to doctors on what that language means.

There has been a proposed new law submitted to the Idaho Secretary of State to allow abortions for any reason up to about mid-pregnancy. I don’t believe the life of an innocent human being should be taken unless the mother will die or have serious damage to her body.

Dr. Stephen Schmid, Twin Falls

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