Vaccine-skeptic doctor on Boise-area health board let his medical license lapse. Now this

Dr. Ryan Cole’s medical license is now active after having lapsed for 65 days.

The Garden City pathologist and Central District Health board member was no longer licensed by the Idaho Board of Medicine after his license lapsed June 30, placing his position on the board in question, the Idaho Statesman reported Wednesday.

Idaho law requires every public health district in the state to have at least one licensed physician on its board. Cole had filled that role for the Boise-area board of health. The district, which covers Ada, Boise, Elmore and Valley counties, has seven board members.

By late Wednesday afternoon, the status of Cole’s license went from lapsed to active on the state’s database for occupational and professional licenses, according to Bob McLaughlin, spokesperson for the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses. The license was originally issued Sept. 13, 2003.

Lapsed means the window to renew has passed, and the license is out of compliance, the division’s website says. Active means the licensee can operate legally.

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