Kids duathlon memorializes fallen Ada County Sheriff’s Deputy

Deputy Tobin Bolter was killed in the line of duty responding to a traffic stop in Boise on April 20. It was a devastating loss for his family, the community and the Ada County Sheriff’s Office.

The kids duathlon at the Eagle Park is now called the Tobin Bolter Memorial Kids Duathlon, it’s a fitting tribute because the fallen deputy had a passion for running.

“Deputy Bolter was an avid runner, he was a coach down in California where he and his wife both coached running that was kind of his thing,” said Sheriff Matt Clifford of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office. “He was passionate about law enforcement and he was passionate about fitness.”

So, it makes sense that this duathlon, where children ages three through twelve run and bike around a course, at the Eagle Bike Park is held in honor of Deputy Tobin Bolter.

“It means a lot to us that they have renamed this kids duathlon in the memory of Tobin Bolter,” said Clifford. “It is bringing even more deputies out here just to experience the event, but it sure means a lot to have him memorialized with this already amazing event.”

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