Washington Burger Joint Named One Of America’s Best

If you need a quick, tasty burger in any town, you’ll find a locally owned spot that delivers. What locations are considered the best in America? The Lovefood website reviews burger restaurants from actual customers. When a location caught the website’s attention, the staff visited it to evaluate themselves. Lovefood also weighted its decision for the best location in each state���based on local awards.

Here are the best burger joints in the Pacific Northwest.

Idaho: Boise Fry Company, Boise

At the Boise Fry Company, fries are the show’s star, but the burgers, as Lovefood puts it, “have not been neglected.” See for yourself and select a hand-crafted, locally sourced burger cooked according to the Boise Fry Company’s secret recipe.

Montana: The Burger Dive, Billings

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