Meet Mrs. G, the official state groundhog of Massachusetts

LINCOLN, Mass. (WWLP) – All eyes across the country will be on Punxsutawney Phil this Groundhogs Day to find out if he will see his shadow or not. However, did you know Massachusetts has its own state groundhog?

Groundhog Day’s biggest star is Punxsutawney Phil, but the holiday’s roots extend well beyond him

Mrs. G is a groundhog at Drumlin Farm in Lincoln. She was declared the official State Groundhog of Massachusetts by former Governor Deval Patrick in July 2014. The bill was proposed by students at Wellesley’s Hunnewell Elementary School and became law with Patrick’s signature.

Since 2008, Mrs. G has made her own predictions about whether or not we will have an early Spring. The Groundhog Day tradition states if the groundhog sees their own shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter, but if they don’t see their shadow, it will be an early Spring.

However, this year Mrs. G will not be looking for her shadow and instead, people can meet her in person. Beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, guests can head to the Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary at 208 S. Great Road in Lincoln to meet Mrs. G and also enjoy other winter activities like exploring trails and groundhog crafts. The event is $9 for adults and $6 for seniors and children ages 2-12, or free to MassAudubon members.

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