Winter Storm Warning 1 ft plus snow Eastern Pa, NJ, Southeast NY, Ct, Ma, RI. including NYC & Boston

Winter Storm Warnings are up from Central Pennsylvania to Northern New Jersey to the Hudson Valley and the Catskils, eastward to all of Southern and Central New England. Warnings have been extended further south into New Jersey and we have Winter Storm Watches up now from just northeast of Philadelphia east across and north of Route 195. Winter Storm Watches are also no up for areas around NYC and Long Island. I expect that these areas will go to a warning later today or tonight.

Snow amounts forecast from the National Weather Service have been raised across the board with 4 to 6 inches now forecast for NYC and Long Island and 8 to 12 inches inland from Northeast Pennsylvania and Northern New New Jersey and across much of Southern and Southeastern New England. We have no weather issues to worry about today across the Northeast and Mid Atlantic with increasing clouds from south to north and high temperatures mostly in the 40s to around 50 degrees.

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