Ecuadorian Fugitive Deported by ICE: Alleged Rape Suspect Removed from US

By Kristy Tallman, June 30, 2024

BOSTON — On June 20, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston successfully removed Ricardo Andre Barrera-Peleaz, a 30-year-old Ecuadorian national, from the United States. Barrera-Peleaz, who was unlawfully present in the country, is wanted by Ecuadorian authorities on rape charges.

“Ricardo Andre Barrera-Peleaz fled rape charges in his own country and attempted to hide out in Massachusetts,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “He represented a significant threat to the residents of our community, and we couldn’t allow him to potentially victimize someone else. Now, he will face justice in Ecuador. ERO Boston will continue to prioritize public safety by apprehending and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from New England.”

Barrera-Peleaz entered the United States legally on Aug. 31, 2022, through Miami, Florida, but later violated the terms of his entry. Ecuadorian authorities issued a warrant for his arrest on Feb. 2, 2024, for rape charges.

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