Healey to sign firefighter-backed PFAS bill

BOSTON (WPRI) — Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey is expected to sign a bill into law on Thursday that would protect firefighters from toxic chemicals.

Firefighters can be exposed to hundreds of different chemicals in the form of gases, vapors, and particles. They can breathe them in, get them on their skin or in their eyes, or even ingest them, which can increase the risk of cancer.

Even though they wear gear to protect themselves from getting burned, it could be hurting them in the long haul since they contain forever chemicals known as PFAS.

RELATED: Mass. company making undergarments designed to protect firefighters from cancer

PFAS are used to make their gear stain and water-resistant, but they have also been linked to certain cancers and health problems.

The bill requires manufacturers to provide written notice to local governments, state agencies and other buyers if their firefighting protective equipment contains PFAS.

By 2027, manufacturers will be blocked from selling or distributing any equipment that contains “intentionally added PFAS.”

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