Denver Health welcomes at least a dozen Leap Day births, highlighting unique milestone

As the world celebrated Leap Day on Thursday, Denver Health’s labor and delivery department was abuzz with activity, welcoming at least a dozen babies on the unique calendar day.

Among the early arrivals was Serenniti Stark, born to Charise Dixon at 2:18 a.m. Thursday morning, becoming the fourth daughter in the family.

Leap birthdays occur once every four years, making it a unique occurrence. According to the Associated Press, approximately 5 million people worldwide share the leap day birthday out of a global population of around 8 billion.

However, it also brings its share of challenges, particularly when it comes to paperwork and official documents. Various authorities, including governments, have had to establish protocols for determining which date leap day babies should use for essential records like driver’s licenses, often oscillating between February 28th and March 1st.

While technological advancements have eased the process for leap day babies to note their unique milestone, issues still arise, especially within systems like healthcare, insurance, and other institutions that may not have provisions for this specific date, AP reports.

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