Colorado ranked among best places for teachers

Despite the struggle to survive many Denver teachers face, Colorado finished among the top 10 best states for teachers, according to a study.

UTS, an online university, compiled data surrounding teaching jobs and educational outcomes. “The study considered 19 key factors that can make a difference for teachers, including average teacher wages, teacher pensions, pupil/teacher ratios, student performance and school safety,” according to a news release.

The reports showed that Colorado offers the “lowest pay gap in the country ensuring fair compensation for all teachers. Additionally, the state boasts impressive student performance, ranking third nationwide.”

Almost 46% of Coloradans have a bachelor’s degree, 45.9%, indicating “a supportive community that values education,” according to the study. “This might be the reason why the state has one of the highest teacher preparation program completion rates, at 34.12%.”

In Denver, it can be difficult to live on a teacher’s salary, especially for new educators right out of school., ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor and Indeed list Denver Public Schools teachers’ salaries ranging from $41,000 to $110,000 per year.

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