Opinion: Faith is the greatest motivation to prevent climate change

Last month, wildfires from Canada spread hazy skies along the East Coast as far as Washington, D.C., and Alaska experienced unprecedented landslides. This month, record-warm ocean temperatures throughout the Atlantic threaten an active second half of hurricane season. The impact of climate change is unrelenting, which is why we are relentlessly committed to addressing the issue.

Our work is largely motivated by our faith and the morals our faith inspires. And we are deeply concerned about the changes happening and to come.

Scientists forecast Earth warming about 6 degrees Fahrenheit and seas rising about 2.5 feet by 2100. The planet will care for itself, but it will be different. Homes have already been and will continue to be destroyed by hurricanes and wildfires. And many more will become uninsurable, leading to the potential for the greatest loss of wealth since the Great Depression. Millions of people will be displaced as parts of the world become uninhabitable. As the world changes, human life will no longer be stable.

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