Florida New Driving Laws: Carry Your License, Turn Down The Music and Move Over

New Florida Driving Laws Take Effect July 1, 2024: Stricter Penalties for Various Offenses

Fort Lauderdale, FL. – July 1st, 2024, marks the implementation of several new driving laws in Florida aimed at enhancing road safety and ensuring a more orderly driving environment. These laws introduce stricter penalties for various offenses, including driving without a license, failing to move over for certain vehicles, playing loud music, and street racing.

Key attributes of the new driving laws:

  • Unlicensed driving: Harsher penalties, including mandatory court appearances, fines, vehicle impoundment, and license suspensions.
  • Move Over law: Expanded to include tow trucks and utility vehicles, increased fines and points for non-compliance.
  • Loud music: Restrictions on music audible from 25 feet or more, fines, and potential points for violations.
  • Street racing: Felony charges for participants, potential jail time, fines, and license revocation. Misdemeanor charges for spectators.

Increased Penalties for Driving Without a License
One of the most significant changes is the increased penalties for driving without a valid driver’s license. This includes situations where the license is missing, suspended, or revoked. The new law imposes harsher fines and potential jail time for repeat offenders. The goal is to ensure that all drivers on the road are properly licensed and qualified to operate a vehicle, thereby reducing the risk of accidents caused by unlicensed drivers.

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