Florida US Senate race: Voters’ guide to the 2024 Republican primary election

Florida U.S. Senate Republican Primary

Type of Race: Partisan

Who can vote : All voters registered with the Republican Party.

What’s next: Winner will compete in November against the winner of the Democratic primary.

How much does this position pay : $174,000


John S. Columbus

Age: 40

Profession: Like Ronald Reagan, I’m a professional actor who has worked at Disney, Universal, and Sea World. Also, I’m an author and a small business owner.

Qualifications : Theatre and politics have had close ties for centuries. I will promote empathy, bipartisanship and critical thinking through common sense and education on the facts.

Website: ColumbusforCongress.com

Q: What skills do you possess that will make you effective in the U.S. Senate?

I have always been diplomatic and will be able to cross party lines to find the best way forward through mutual concessions. I see the threat polarized party politics holds over our nation, and will work to build bridges between the divide. As a moderate, I consider myself a “progressive conservative,” this may sound like a oxymoron, but as a millennial I understand the issues my generation and the next faces that are ignored by the old guard. I will always look up to past leadership for guidance, but I feel we need new and imaginative solutions implemented for tomorrow.

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