New Sarasota initiative seeks to elevate women’s voices in civic, political arena

The Women’s Resource Center has launched a new initiative to promote the civic engagement of women – and in doing so, push for public policy gains on issues ranging from the gender wage gap to the crisis in childcare.

Called Elevating Women’s Voices , the nonpartisan initiative seeks to encourage women’s involvement in the political arena and help give them a bigger role in tackling systemic challenges that disproportionately impact them the most, said Ashley Brown, president and CEO of the Women’s Resource Center.

To that end, the initiative focuses on everything from helping women register to vote as well as providing information on ways to volunteer, speak at government meetings and run for elected office.

A new website has connections to resources and will soon feature interviews with local female leaders, who will share their perspectives and strategies on important matters affecting women and their families.

“Elevating women’s voices is fundamental to addressing gender-specific issues that might otherwise be overlooked,” Brown said. “Concerns such as reproductive rights, childcare, equal pay, and violence against women are directly impacted by women’s civic participation and their presence in decision-making roles.”

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