Bradenton Judge Orders “Black Swan” Jurors Back To Court

BRADENTON — The judge in the so-called “Black Swan” case is ordering jurors back a month after they delivered a guilty verdict in the trial of a former ballerina accused of killing her husband.

Defense lawyers argued during a Monday (16th) hearing that there was evidence that justified questioning the six members of the panel over allegations of misconduct. They presented evidence asserting that a juror may have had contact with a poster to a website streaming the trial using a flip phone slipped into the jury room. According to attorneys Neil Taylor and William Ponnal, a poster identified as “That Hoodie Guy” claimed inside information that the jury was deadlocked 5-1, with one juror hung up over a manslaughter charge. Prosecutors argued against calling in the jury, saying the poster could have gotten information from reporters or court staff.

The defense team also raised questions about another juror who had encounters in the court system over domestic violence but had not disclosed that on a questionnaire.

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