Later start times for middle and high school students

Florida lawmakers are considering removing a legislation passed in 2023 that required later start times for middle and high schools across the state. The initial legislation required high schools to start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. and middle schools no earlier than 8 a.m., with full implementation set for 2026. However, recent legislative developments suggest a shift in policy.

On Monday, the Florida Senate passed Senate Bill 296, which effectively repealed the state-mandated start times established two years ago. Sen. Bradley filed a bill that removes the requirement for district education boards to set specific start times for middle and high schools. The bill’s provisions read as follows: “Deleting the duty of district school boards to adopt policies for middle school and high school start times; deleting a requirement that instructional days for middle schools and high schools begin no earlier than specified times.”

A companion bill, House Bill 343, has been introduced in the Florida House of Representatives by Rep. Brannan, aiming to achieve the same repeal…

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