Villagers charged with extreme violence over misunderstandings of golf cart usage

Two Villagers have been charged with extreme violence over apparent misunderstandings of golf cart usage here in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.

These two men are facing serious charges after what appear to be overreactions to their failure to understand the purpose of golf cart lanes along roadways.

Steven Neal Kaufman, 68, of the Village of El Cortez, was arrested on charges of battery on a person over the age of 65 and aggravated assault on a person over the age of 65. Arrest reports indicate the native New Yorker became enraged when he saw a Street Legal low-speed vehicle in the vehicular lane of traffic.

Kaufman apparently believed the low-speed vehicle should be in the golf cart lane. Despite the attempts of the Street Legal driver to explain the Rules of the Road, Kaufman allegedly pushed the man, who relies on a cane, to the pavement. Police showed up at Kaufman’s house and he took a ride in the back of a patrol car to the local jail…

Story continues