De Blasio-era ‘whiteout’ case will cost city millions -but Blas won’t pay

City Hall will likely pay millions to settle a federal reverse-discrimination suit over blatant de Blasio-era bigotry at the Department of Education.

Judge Mary Kay Viskocil tossed the four plaintiffs’ sex-discrimination claims, but ruled that the racial ones can proceed, as they “offer evidence of a policy of race-based discrimination at [Chancellor Richard] Carranza’s DOE.”

Carranza, and then-Mayor Bill de Blasio, aren’t on the hook for those millions, but city taxpayers are.

Eric Adams is right to declare social media an emergency — but NYC needs to go even further

Four white former female DOE administrators filed the $90 million lawsuit, claiming Carranza demoted and sidelined them in favor of people of color and charging that the chancellor’s crusade against “toxic” whiteness created a culture of “Us vs. Them.”

They assert that their replacements got picked with just “a tap on the shoulder,” without the positions being advertised and others interviewed.

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