Send Albany’s rotten restaurant tipping rule back to the kitchen

Albany’s drive for fake economic equity may be poised to claim yet another victim: restaurants.

A legislative push to end the tips credit — the rule that lets owners pay wait staff who earn tips less than the minimum wage — has met with massive opposition from people who actually know how the business works.

That is, the owners themselves: 95% of them oppose the push from Assemblywoman Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas (D-Queens) and Sen. Robert Jackson (D-Manhattan), per a survey released Monday.

Why is it a bad idea? Well, Washington, DC, implemented a similar scheme in May.

The result?

Want to make six figures? Here’s why you may want to apply for a job at Walmart

A shocking 4.4% cut to the overall workforce.

That’s at least 1,300 jobs gone.

Naturally, our progressive economic masterminds want to replicate that stunning success.

Even as the city economy continues to lag the nation’s with a 5.4% unemployment rate vs. a national rate of 3.7%.

The state’s as a whole is 4.5%.

This is precisely not the moment, in other words, to introduce new hurdles for small business owners .

Story continues