Major crime in NYC - including murder - dipped by 3% in 2023, mayor’s management report shows

Major crime in the Big Apple — including murders and shootings — dipped during the first four months of last fiscal year, an early look at the mayor’s annual report shows.

The city saw an overall reduction of nearly 3% in the seven major seven crime categories, 44,447 vs 45,738, between July and October last year compared to the same time in 2022, according to the report.

The Preliminary Mayor’s Management Report, which is set to be released in full Tuesday afternoon and a portion of which was obtained by The Post, highlights the downward trend in five of the major felony categories, including murder.

“When we came into office 24 months ago, we had a clear vision to protect public safety, rebuild our economy, and make our city more livable for all New Yorkers,” Mayor Eric Adams said.

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“Two years later, we have not only driven crime down and made New Yorkers feel safer, but the data shows that we are clearly continuing to deliver on our promise.”

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