For New Yorkers confused about the battle between Mayor Eric Adams and the City Council over a law requiring police officers to submit a record of virtually all public interactions, here’s your clarity:
The City Council hates cops.
Everything else is detail.
The council’s decision to override the mayor’s veto of the “How Many Stops Act” is yet another nail in the city’s coffin.
Not a single New Yorker will be made safer, nor will any form of justice be made fairer.
Those are the common-sense litmus tests for imposing added restrictions on police actions, and this law fails both.
The measure reflects only the anti-police bias of the reigning council majority, led by Speaker Adrienne Adams of Queens.
Hardly a moderate
She is supposedly a moderate Democrat, but I see no moderation in her claim that forcing cops to spend more time on paperwork will improve “the health and safety of our city and its neighborhoods.”
The idea would be laughable if the potential fallout weren’t so serious.