Migrants’ free-lunch credit cards: Letters to the Editor – Feb. 6, 2024

The Issue: Mayor Adams’ $53 million program to provide migrants with free prepaid credit cards.

Now Mayor Adams is giving prepaid credit cards to illegal migrants (“ Land of the Free Lunch, ” Feb. 3)?

All the taxpayers in New York should be annoyed. Yes, even the liberal ones.

There are homeless Americans on the streets of New York. These are legal Americans living on the streets, yet they receive nothing from the city. Because of the policies of the liberal left, our own citizens are hung out to dry once again.

Peter Vardakis

Morris City, NJ

Adams’ plan to give out $53 million in prepaid credit cards to illegal migrants is like former Mayor de Blasio’s plan to spend $1 billion on mental illness through ThriveNYC.

This plan is just a slush fund for Adams’ cronies. Different mayors, but the same corruption.

Mike Santavicca

Pet dogs traveling thousands of miles to US-Mexico border are being abandoned by migrant owners in new crisis


Apparently the migrants at the Roosevelt Hotel do not like the food they’re being given, and so the city is rolling out a new prepaid debit card program.

Story continues