Tornadic Thunderstorms Detected in East Texas, Heavy Snow Forecasted for Boston Metro Area

Winter Storm Watches Across Interior Northeast & Lower New England

02/11/24 11:15am ET

Good morning everyone. We continue to watch the latest weather models and everything continues to hold rather steady when comparing the previous forecasts in terms of severe weather and snow. Winter Storm Watches have been posted from Pennsylvania on up through New England, while Tornado watches AND Tornado warnings have been issued in parts of Texas; eventually moving into Louisiana.

Our first concern remains Texas and across the Gulf States, then stretching into the Southeast as severe weather and heavy rain trudge from west to east. The majority of the region will see heavy rain with localized flooding, with embedded areas of severe weather capable of large hail, frequent lightning, torrential downpours, damaging winds, and tornadoes. This threat remains from now, until some time late Monday evening as everything will finally push off of the Carolinas.

That is when we begin to watch the energy transfer to the coast as the original low fizzles out near the Ohio River Valley/West Virginia. Heavy snow will spread across central Pennsylvania, then into interior parts of the Northeast and eventually into New England. While NYC may be spared the brunt of this coastal storm, another big city will get slammed with plowable snow. The wide swath of 6-12″+ of snow we’ve talked about the past few days, will include the Boston Metro area.

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