‘A nightmare’ – Disturbing video shows 95-year-old grandmother assaulted by home aide in Harlem

Disturbing video obtained by Eyewitness News shows a 95-year-old woman being assaulted by a home health aide in Harlem this past weekend.

The incident happened on July 21 after the home health aide was sent to take care of the woman who uses a walker and needs an oxygen tank.

The video — caught on the victim’s Nest camera — showed the aide whacking her with a pan and also hitting her repeatedly until she collapsed to the floor.

“It was a nightmare,” said Michelle Mitchell, the victim’s granddaughter. “It was horrific. It was one of the worst days of my life.”

Mitchell was in New Jersey, but she was watching the ordeal on her phone as it happened because the family installed cameras in her grandma’s apartment.

“It was so unreal to me, that someone could punch somebody like they were beating them down,” added Mitchell.

The victim suffered bruises is sore and can’t lift her arms from the attack. Doctors say they are also worried about possible blood clots.

The worker is allegedly from Medflyt at Home Health Care Agency. Eyewitness News reached out to the company but they did not respond.

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